Wednesday 8 August 2012

Holidays and observances in Filofax diaries

If you buy your diary pages from Filofax, they are likely to come with various national and international holidays and observances already noted, but if you print your own, this doesn't happen.

There is a wonderful site called that is well worth exploring in its own right.

But one page that is certainly of interest is this one. It lists all the world's major countries and offers a list of official holidays and observances for each of them. For instance, on the UK page, I learn that 19 August is the Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Fitr and that August 27 is Summer Bank Holiday. Every holiday included links to a page where you can learn what the day is all about and how it is marked or celebrated.

For DIY diary makers this is a wonderfully useful resource.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Thanks Ray. I'm on making a 2PPM diary and this will be very useful.


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