Saturday, 16 November 2013

Field Notes and Moleskine size undated diary to download and print

I was asked for one of these in a smaller size. So here is an undated diary compatible with Field Notes sized notebook covers.

You can download the Word version or the PDF version.

These files should be printed on A4 paper in booklet mode, assuming your printer supports it. If your printer doesn't support booklet mode, you can use the wonderful FinePrint app.

Then you can stitch or staple on a cover and cut the insert down to size. The finished booklet will measure 14cm x 9cm.

Although designed to fit into your system, these will work just as well as standalone diaries.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Mini wrap wallet giveaway winner

You may remember this giveaway from last weekend. The randomiser (young child, bowl, bits of paper - old school) selected:

Congratulations, Janis Bennett. Email me your postal address and I'll send you your wallet.

If I don't hear from Janis within a week, I'll redraw.

A Midori Homework or Study Planner - free download

Good study habits are useful to have. This booklet - whether inserted in your Midori Traveler's Notebook or carried standalone - will help you cultivate the habits and stay on top of your studies.

Each two-page spread allows you to detail your study or homework plans for a whole week. A booklet covers 23 weeks.

You can download this insert here.

What you'll download is a PDF file, in 'pre-shrunk' format. This is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions

I'm aware that some of my readers like to roll their sleeves up and play  with the source Word file, so here it is.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Home made mini wrap wallets - Giveaway

A week or two ago, I made a video showing how you could make a mini wrap wallet out of leftover leather and elastic cord.

They take about five minutes to make. I've been left with a few oddments of leather since I made my first one, and I have a few now:

This is more than I have a need for on a day-to-day basis. I'm planning to give one away.

If you'd like to have one of these, please leave a comment below by the end of Friday 8 November, stating which one you'd like to own if you win. Choose A, B, C or D as shown in the key below. One lucky winner will be selected at random.

Print your own diary - Excel hack for international (non-English) users

I received an email from Pedro Peres that might be of interest to users of non-English versions of Excel. Here's what Pedro says:

As a big thanks for your great work i attach here an update to you wonderful xls version of DatesSourceFilo.xlsx (from
 As i am portuguese i was struggling to make it work with my language. When i open in excel it reads the Windows local region settings and the formulas do not work correctly.If my "Region And Language"
settings are set to Portugal the year is aaaa for "ano", the portuguese word for year.
 So I found an Italian solution that gets the current local in excel with defined names.
 e.g.: year_symbol is a name defined for =REPT(INDEX(GET.WORKSPACE(37);19);4)
 So now i think it works in every language, you must accept macros for defined names (it has no macros besides that).
 The only update it needs is the ordering column. In portuguese you dont have "st" , "nd", "rd" or "th". So i had it removed. In Portuguese we have "de" like "1 de Janeiro de 2014". I also have put the name of the week in the calendar.

I hope you like it and put it online to help the non english users.
 How to use it*:
1st - open "DatesSourceFilo2.xls"
2nd - go to Region and Language
3rd - change to a different language and see the excel updated 4th - open "Base diary 1 day per page2.docx"
5th - go to Region and Language
6th - change to a different language and see the word updated when you change the record  (next or previous)
 *works in office 2013 version and windows 7
 Best Regards
Obrigado a todos
 Pedro Peres from Portugal

Here are the links for Pedro's files: Base diary (2 PPD) in Word    Excel data source


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