Saturday, 9 November 2013

A Midori Homework or Study Planner - free download

Good study habits are useful to have. This booklet - whether inserted in your Midori Traveler's Notebook or carried standalone - will help you cultivate the habits and stay on top of your studies.

Each two-page spread allows you to detail your study or homework plans for a whole week. A booklet covers 23 weeks.

You can download this insert here.

What you'll download is a PDF file, in 'pre-shrunk' format. This is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions

I'm aware that some of my readers like to roll their sleeves up and play  with the source Word file, so here it is.

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