Monday 26 October 2015

New A4 Filofax layout - minimalist vertical weekly

Steve and I often get requests from readers of Philofaxy and My Life All In One Place. This was one that Steve put together.

Here it is:

The week is laid out left to right, with vertical divisions for morning, afternoon and evening but otherwise in free format.

You can download a 2016 set as either a Word file or a PDF file. They are created as A4 documents. To use them as A5 inserts, print the document in booklet mode on A4 paper, then use a guillotine to divide each sheet into two and punch the required holes, which the templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate. Or, if you have A5 paper, then either the printer or the PC will scale it to size for you.

Of course, you can print these on any paper you like; coloured, patterned and fountain pen-friendly are all options, as is plain white A4 printer paper.

If you want to tinker, you can download the Word base file and the Excel data file (you will need both files.) As long as you have some basic Word and Excel skills, you should be able to give this a go. You'll need to be able to set up a basic mail merge file link, and there are plenty of web tutorials that show you the way - including some available on this site via the Free Diary Pages link at the top of every page.

Depending on what version of Word you're using, Word may put section breaks between every record, which will throw out the mirrored gutter formatting in the layout. If it does, the solution is quite simple; do a find and replace on section breaks (^b) to remove them all. You'll also need to add a single page break to the front of the merged document so that each 2-page spread has gutters in the middle for the holes.

Sunday 18 October 2015

A more flexible Midori Traveler's Notebook weekly insert

I get lots of requests to make an insert that combines a weekly diary and a page per week of notes space. Today's new layout is just that, but I think I've introduced some options to the layout that people will like.

I have two versions of the inner pages. You can choose between the 'righty' and the 'lefty':

Although anyone can use either, I suspect that the 'righty' will work better for the right-handed writer and the 'lefty' for the left-hander. That is because diary entries tend to be short - a word or a phrase, say, whereas notes tend to require longer writing sessions, so the note section is on the relevant preferred facing page.

On the notes page, I've added action checkboxes on each line. Because these are unobtrusive, you can use the page either for tasks that you check off or just for general notes, ignoring the boxes. Or you can divide the page as you see fit and do both.

So, as I say, I think this will prove a flexible insert. You can download and print it for free. Links to the various versions are below.

 Lefty A4 PDF file
 Lefty Letter PDF file

 Righty A4 PDF file
 Righty Letter PDF file

What you'll download is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

Friday 9 October 2015

The Daily Dashboard Large Cahier Midori insert - free files for 2016

I recently introduced this format in Large Cahier size.

The booklet begins with a full-month view:

This is followed by a two page spread for each day.

I have now produced files to see you through 2016.

You can choose the A4 paper versions or the Letter paper versions.

  Jan 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Feb 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Mar 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Apr 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  May 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Jun 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Jul 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Aug 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Sep 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Oct 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Nov 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Dec 2016:  A4 version   Letter version

What you'll download is a PDF file. This is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter as appropriate, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size. This video shows how.

Remember to cut at 130mm (13cm) wide rather than 110mm (11cm) wide as you would for a regular Midori insert.


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