Saturday, 29 April 2017

A book about books

I have just released my new book and it is on a subject close to my heart.

"A Book Club of Your Own" is available now in paperback and Kindle book formats. To quote the back cover blurb:

Raise your reading game now!
If you’re not in a reading group, you can start one today, even if the group is just you.
In this book you will read how to establish your group, countless ideas of books to read, what aspects of the books to consider or discuss and what to move on to next.
You’ll find 40 themed book challenges, like these:
  • Books about popular music
  • Modern prize-winning novels
  • Travel books
  • Single volume fantasy
  • Distant lives
  • Inspired by classics
Here is all you’ll need to get started straight away, whether it is just you or you have a group of friends joining you.
Read more. Reader wider. Read better.

This one really has been a labour of love for me, and I hope you will consider buying it.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Free Midori TN calendar (diary) inserts for 2018: Part 6 - Field Notes size layouts

Today's post contains 2018 versions of my layouts for the popular Field Notes format.

As usual, all are available for download as A4 and Letter paper PDFs. As ever, they are all free for personal use.

Here we go.

1. Week on two pages

The week on two pages layout gives you a straightforward planning view, a week at a time. You'll need two booklets for a full year.

  2018 A4 version: H1  H2

  2018 Letter version: H1  H2

2. Daily log book

The daily log book is ideal for tracking daily activities - exercise, say, or diet - even Pokemon

  2018 A4 version

  2018 Letter version

Special offer

Maybe you prefer not to print your own. I will print and bind a 2018 daily log book for you at a cost of £5, including postage to anywhere in the world. It will have a printed card cover that looks like this:

If you want to take advantage of this offer, email me and we can make arrangements.

What you'll download each time is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

Remember, though, that for this size you meed to cut down to 90 mm wide rather than 110 mm and you'll have to trim 35 mm from the top and from the bottom as well, leaving you a booklet 140 mm tall. 

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Free Midori TN calendar (diary) inserts for 2018: Part 5 - Moleskine large cahier size layouts

Today's post contains 2018 versions of my layouts for the Moleskine Large Cahier format.

As usual, all are available for download as A4 and Letter paper PDFs. As ever, they are all free for personal use.

Here we go.

1. Daily dashboard

The Daily Dashboard gives you a booklet per month and contains a monthly overview followed by a double page spread for each day, letting you organise tasks, appointments and anything else you can imagine.

 2018 A4 version - Jan
 2018 A4 version - Feb
 2018 A4 version - Mar
 2018 A4 version - Apr
 2018 A4 version - May
 2018 A4 version - Jun
 2018 A4 version - Jul
 2018 A4 version - Aug
 2018 A4 version - Sep
 2018 A4 version - Oct
 2018 A4 version - Nov
 2018 A4 version - Dec

 2018 Letter version - Jan
 2018 Letter version - Feb
 2018 Letter version - Mar
 2018 Letter version - Apr
 2018 Letter version - May
 2018 Letter version - Jun
 2018 Letter version - Jul
 2018 Letter version - Aug
 2018 Letter version - Sep
 2018 Letter version - Oct
 2018 Letter version - Nov
 2018 Letter version - Dec

2. Week on two pages

The week on two pages layout gives you a straightforward planning view, a week at a time.

  2018 A4 version: H1  H2

  2018 Letter version: H1  H2

What you'll download each time is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

Remember, though, that for this size you meed to cut down to 130 mm wide rather than 110 mm.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Free Midori TN calendar (diary) inserts for 2018: Part 4 - Personal size layout

Today I'm updating the week on two pages layout I produced for the Personal size.

You have the choice of downloading this in A4 or Letter format. Either way, you will need both the Half 1 and Half 2 files to make both booklets covering a full year between them.

 2017 A4 version:    H1   H2

 2017 Letter version:    H1   H2

You can get more guidance on booklet making in this video.

Remember that you will need to trim Personal size booklets more narrowly, as well as trimming the top and bottom.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Free Midori TN calendar (diary) inserts for 2018: Part 3 - Monthly and yearly layouts

Following on from the weekly and daily layouts for 2018, today I have the monthly and full year layouts.

As usual, they are all free for personal use.

Here we go.

1. Monthly - month on two pages

Nice and simple, this layout gives you a two pages for each month. A booklet includes two years.

 2018-19 A4 version

 2018-19 Letter version

What you'll download each time is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

2. Yearly calendar

The yearly calendar will print equally well on A4 or Letter paper. Each version includes two years. Cut each one out and fix to the cover of a booklet for a quick overview of the whole year. There is a choice of colour themes.

 2018 - 2019 Red
 2018 - 2019 Orange
 2018 - 2019 Blue
 2018 - 2019 Purple

 2018 - 2019 Green

Monday, 3 April 2017

Free Midori TN calendar (diary) inserts for 2018: Part 2 - Full size daily layouts

Following on from the weekly layouts for 2018, today I have the daily layouts.

As usual, all are available for download as A4 and Letter paper PDFs. As ever, they are all free for personal use.

Here we go.

1. Daily Journal 

Nice and simple, this layout gives you a page per day with two months to each booklet. You will need to make six booklets to cover a whole year.

 2018 A4 version - Jan & Feb
 2018 A4 version - Mar & Apr
 2018 A4 version - May & Jun
 2018 A4 version - Jul & Aug
 2018 A4 version - Sep & Oct
 2018 A4 version - Nov & Dec

 2018 Letter version - Jan & Feb
 2018 Letter version - Mar & Apr
 2018 Letter version - May & Jun
 2018 Letter version - Jul & Aug
 2018 Letter version - Sep & Oct
 2018 Letter version - Nov & Dec

2. Daily dashboard

The Daily Dashboard gives you a booklet per month and contains a monthly overview followed by a double page spread for each day, letting you organise tasks, appointments and anything else you can imagine.

 2018 A4 version - Jan
 2018 A4 version - Feb
 2018 A4 version - Mar
 2018 A4 version - Apr
 2018 A4 version - May
 2018 A4 version - Jun
 2018 A4 version - Jul
 2018 A4 version - Aug
 2018 A4 version - Sep
 2018 A4 version - Oct
 2018 A4 version - Nov
 2018 A4 version - Dec

 2018 Letter version - Jan
 2018 Letter version - Feb
 2018 Letter version - Mar
 2018 Letter version - Apr
 2018 Letter version - May
 2018 Letter version - Jun
 2018 Letter version - Jul
 2018 Letter version - Aug
 2018 Letter version - Sep
 2018 Letter version - Oct
 2018 Letter version - Nov
 2018 Letter version - Dec

What you'll download each time is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:


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