Thursday, 8 March 2012

Free Vertical Weekly Diary pages for the Filofax Personal

When Steve and I set about adapting our A5 diary layouts to Personal size, the one layout we missed out was the Vertical Week to View. We didn't think this would be a particularly usable layout in Personal size. However, that's just our view, so why not give it a try?

Click to enlarge
We've done this a few ways for you.

Pre-prepared 2012 diary sets

First, we have the usual A4-based set. Choose between the Word file and the PDF file. Print this double-sided. If you have a duplex printer, set it to flip on the short edge. If you don't then you'll have to print odd-numbered pages and then refeed to print the even-numbered pages on the reverse. You might have to experiment to find out how to refeed the paper.

On one side of each sheet you'll find crop marks. Use a craft knife and a steel ruler to release the Personal pages and punch them. The templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate the holes.

And for those of you who want to print directly onto Filofax Personal size plain paper, we have versions for you, too. Choose either the Word file or the PDF file.

Source files

You can also roll your own using our source files. The A4-based version uses this Word file as the base document and this Excel file as the data source.

The version that prints on Personal size paper uses this Word file and this Excel file.

If you want to know how to go about using the source files, this post will help you.


Unknown said...

Once again Ray and Steve these are amazing. As a pocket Aston accidently (ahem) seems to have been purchased by me, any chance of seeing how this looks on a pocket size also please? Alternatively, could you give me some ideas on how to amend the above files to provide a pocket size? Many thanks

Ray Blake said...

Pocket size inserts are on the way. I'll email you with a sample to test if you like.

Unknown said...

That would be great thanks Ray.

Martin said...

Another pocket owner here, looking for week on 2 pages vertical. Would it be possible to add it as an option next year do you think? I'm not bright enough to roll my own


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