Sunday, 25 March 2012

A day of firsts

I thought it was worth recording that today this blog reached three landmarks:

  1. Pageviews crossed the 25,000 mark
  2. The 50th follower signed up
  3. The most popular post clocked up 1,000 hits
When I started the blog in November I couldn't have imagined it achieving such an audience. A massive thank you to everyone for reading.


Raine said...

Congrats on your stats! It shows all your great work!

Jenny said...

Wow... congratulations!

Jenny said...

Another first... you're the first follower on my blog! Thank you!

caribbean princess said...

Congratulations Ray! :-)

Steve Morton said...

Well done Ray. Do you use Google Analytics at all?

I've shared my spreadsheet with you in our usual Dropbox folder for the Google stats for Philofaxy for the last couple of years.

Now you have been given time off for good behaviour on diary making duties (hard labour!) I'm sure you will branch out in to broadening your topics and some more design ideas.

My philosophy with Philofaxy has always been to vary the content as much as possible. And also to signpost other similar blogs so people become aware that it's not just us but there are tens of people out there all with similar interests.

The number of blogs with more than just the occasional Filofax article in them has increased considerably in the last couple of years.

Here's to the next 25000 page views!

Ray Blake said...

Thanks, all. Steve, I haven't used GA so far, I'm just using Blogger's stats. When I get some time I'll look into GA.


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