Saturday, 25 July 2020

Free 2021 Filofax calendar (diary) downloads part 1: A4 and A5 size, daily layouts

In the summer of 2020, 2021 seems very far away. But it'll be here eventually, and there are people eager to start planning for it. Today I am starting a series of posts to launch Filofax templates for 2021. This post covers daily inserts for A4 and A5 organisers; A4/A5 weeklies, monthlies and yearlies will follow soon, as will Personal size and Pocket size posts.

These inserts arise from a collaboration between me and Steve Morton of Philofaxy and you can find the files there also. We've been making these together for nearly ten years and plan to keep going for ten more at least. I've made the decision to consolidate the range a little, and cut down on the number of very similar inserts and those that attract very few dowloads. BUT the source files are still here (see below) and if you are happy to roll your sleeves up you can go and recreate any of the old sets yourself. 

But you don't need to have a Filofax or any other organiser to make use of these. A4 and A5 binders are widely available and there's no reason why you can't combine one of those with these pages and have a complete DIY solution.

Although you'll still find the source files on this site and on Philofaxy to produce your own diary sets for any year (or any shorter period) people seem to like the convenience of downloading full year sets. Here are A4 or A5 sets for 2021.

1. Day per page sets

You have a choice of three different layouts here.

Download your choice of format:

1.1.1    Word    PDF

1.1.2    Word    PDF

1.1.3    Word    PDF

2. Day on two pages sets

This time there's a choice of two. 1.2.1 is the first Filofax layout I ever made. I'm very fond of it.

Download your choice of format:

1.2.1    Word    PDF

1.2.2    Word    PDF

Printing instructions

Each version is set up as an A4 document. To use them as A5 inserts, print the document in booklet mode on A4 paper, then use a guillotine to divide each sheet into two and punch the required holes, which the templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate. Or, if you have A5 paper, then either the printer or the PC will scale it to size for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutely live this layout - do you still have the 2020 version? I only need Sept to dec.


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