Monday, 13 February 2012

Personal size diary layouts are coming

I've been looking at extending the work on A5 templates to the Filofax Personal size. That is a little harder to do, but I'm making good progress. Here's a picture from a Two Days Per Page layout that will make at least one person happy.

Once these templates are ready to go, you'll be the first to know.


Amanda Fleet said...

Thank you so much for doing this!

Josh LaPorte said...

Ray, looks fantastic! I've been playing around with templating a day on two pages for my own use, with appointment slots down the left hand page and blank or lined on the right for free notes. I work evenings, so I want my timed page to run up to 11 pm. I don't need "to do" just appointments and notes. I put the to-do's in the notes and schedule them between appointments. Your files have been incredibly helpful!

Jill V. said...

oh MY I would love to see the week per page with tasks, to call etc in a personal size!! That would be my dream layout!! :)

Ray Blake said...

I'm working on it now, Jill. Should be ready next week.


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