Thursday, 16 February 2012

Free A5 2012 diary sets to download and print for your Filofax

Here they are, then. When Steve and I began talking about developing these we imagined there would be a fair bit of work involved, and there was. I don't think we realised how much fun it would be, nor quite how many people would get excited about getting hold of them.

Today we're making available the 2012 diary sets. These are layouts each covering the whole of 2012. They are created as A4 documents. To use them as A5 inserts, print the document in booklet mode on A4 paper, then use a guillotine to divide each sheet into two and punch the required holes, which the templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate. Or, if you have A5 paper, then either the printer or the PC will scale it to size for you.

Of course, you can print these on any paper you like; coloured, patterned and fountain pen-friendly are all options, as is plain white A4 printer paper.

So, here are your downloads.

1. Enhanced TM Week Per View

Download Word version or PDF version

2. Vertical Week Per View

Download Word version or PDF version

3. Two Days Per Page unlined

Download Word version or PDF version

4. Two Days Per Page lined

Download Word version or PDF version

Also still available are the Two Page Per Day and One Page Per Day sets.

Are these templates nearly but not quite right for you? If so, watch out for when we post the source files for you to download and adapt as you wish. We'll make them available here and at Philofaxy.


Rebelde said...

Ray, I've been admiring your templates like a teenager, but I'm finally stuck. Is there anyway to get the enhanced TM week per view to print with the task page on the left, and the weekly description on the right?

Ray Blake said...

Yes, it should just be a case in the base file of cutting and pasting, then merging with the data and putting a page break right at the front of the new set.


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