Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Handy Task Tabs: now for the Pocket

Remember my Task Tabs for the Personal Filofax?

These are little half-width pages you can slot between diary pages to collect and manage ad hoc tasks you can move around in the diary, putting them between different pages without having to open the rings. 

I am now publishing the Pocket template so that you can make your own if you want. 

One piece of A4 card yields four Task Tabs. I've given each a different colour, but you can change these however you like.

If you want to try these out, download the Word file.


Ena said...

Thank you, Ray!!! That's what I needed so much!
I'll try it today!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Perfect!

NadineTx said...

Hey Ray! Love all your freebies! Makes my FF more organized & life easier! Quick question: Do you have the tabs in A5 size?

Ray Blake said...

No, but I'll add it to my list of projects


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