Friday, 27 July 2012

Filofax Blog of the Week: Crazy Suburban Mom

It's Blog of the Week time again, in which weekly a different blogger walks us through their Filofax blog. This week, it's Tracy who walks us through Crazy Suburban Mom.

When did you start your blog?

February 2009

What were your reasons for starting it?

I used to do freelance (humor) writing, art, and cartoons but not recently; I think my primary reason for starting a blog was to get back into the habit of regular writing and being creative.

Which post has enjoyed the most pageviews?

It was a Retro Tuesday post I did a long time ago and I don't know why it was such a hit, it's like a lot of others I've done. I do a vintage image of the day now but I used to do them only on Tuesdays. The Filofax post with the most views is Edward de Bono: On Filofax Hacks and it was about creativity and filofax hacks.

Which post is the one you’re most proud of?

I used to do posts for the now defunct New Jersey Moms Blog. I wrote a post for them called My kid's not going to college and it was picked up by their syndication group and reprinted in several news papers. 

What has surprised you since you started blogging?

A lot of things surprise me about it. Writing is so solitary and when you do it... Well, when I do it I feel like I'm in a vacuum; just me and my thoughts. On some level I realize I'm not just thinking but putting words out there for people to see but I'm always surprised that anyone else sees them. Still.

In one sentence, how would you describe your blog to a Filofax user who hadn’t seen it?

I think organization is a very personal endeavor and a Filofax allows for any customization that helps you get where you want to go and allows you to go back and see how far you've come. I post about what worked for me, what didn't, and why.

Finally, what one piece of advice would you offer to other Filofax bloggers, based on your own experience?

I didn't post about Filofaxes initially because I didn't think anyone would be interested in the odd stuff I ponder... Old rings vs. new rings, the varying size of front and backside pen loops, how you can stick a full Midori traveler's notebook in an A5 Finchley slot. Who cares, I thought. But a few months ago blogging didn't feel fun anymore and I wanted the fun back. Enter Filofax blogging... I found out if I care about something there's a good chance least one other person cares about it too and appreciates that I took the time to write it. It was a good lesson for me, so my advice is to write about what jazzes you and do it in a way only you can.

My thanks to Tracy for participating.

If you own a Filofax blog and would like it to be featured in this series, please complete the questionnaire.

1 comment:

LJ said...

Thanks for sharing Tracy :-) I love reading your posts, and can see why you are so proud of that particular post. Your son is awesome :o)


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