Monday, 23 June 2014

Download free notebook writing guides for Midori Passport size

Writing looks better on plain paper than on lined paper. But it can be hard to write in straight lines, particularly in a pocket notebook.

These writing guides solve the problem. Pop one behind the page you're writing on in your plain paper Midori Passport or similarly-sized notebook and you'll be able to see guidelines clearly through the paper, to keep you on the straight and narrow.

Here's a walk through the various features of the writing guide:

The guide measures 124mm x 89mm, the same size as the notebook page.

You can download the guide and print onto either A4 or Letter card - there are different versions for each. Each document contains three different styles, offering, narrow, wide or even wider line spacing.

You can download the A4 version or the Letter version. Print onto card and cut out the individual guide card of your choice. Laminate it if you want to and tuck it in your notebook.

There are versions for the Midori Traveler's Notebook and for Field Notes and Moleskine Cahier size too. 

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