Saturday 15 September 2012

All Stars Guest Post by Judith: Today, I touched all of these Filofaxes!

This is a real treat. The wonderful Judith has written me e guest post on using her Filofaxes. You're going to love it. When you've read this post, be sure to check out Judith's fantastic blog, We Really Didn't Need Another Filofax Blog

Okay, weird title, I bet all the leather fetishists out there are now clicking the link to this post ….

Last night, when I tried to reclaim the space we call our living room after our precious kids went to bed, my eye fell on that pile of Filofaxes sitting on the table. My first thought – getting a bit annoyed with myself – why would I have so many Filofaxes on my table?! Then at a closer look I realized I had actually not only touched, but USED every single one of them during the day.

Let me give you a tour!

8.30 h:

Just dropped the kids off at school. On my way back home, I’m stopping at the supermarket to pick up a few things for dinner. Out goes my (new!) Filofax wallet: the Red Compact Chameleon (many thanks to Sandra, who sent this baby to me from the US!):

9.00 h:

Back home at my office desk: start of work day. First thing thing to do, is flip open my A5 Vintage Pink Malden to check my day!

14.00 h:

Have to send out a letter and need to look up the address. Which is in my A5 pink Finsbury!

15.30 h:

Short meeting with son’s speech therapist to discuss the latest test results. All notes go in the designated A5 Bronze Domino, my Kids-School-Record keeping book (one tab per kid):

17.00 h:

While dinner is cooking, I’m updating my A5 Malden for the next days.

20.00 h:

Kids are all in bed, BF is working, I have the house and time to myself. Wonderful time to dive into my Creative Goddess e-Course. I have printed all ebooks on A5 paper and put them in my A5 raspberry Chameleon.

21.00 h:

End of day. I am writing a bit in my daily logbook (Moleskine Color a month volants), which is stuck in my Slimline Cuban. I’m also updating the kids’ logbooks (weekly cotton cream inserts in the Cuban).

And that – dear people – is how I came to use 6 different Filofaxes on one day!

So, how many Filofaxes have you handled today …?

(Huge THANK YOU to Ray for letting me write this All Stars Guest Post!)

And thank you Judith for choosing to share this post with my readers.


Raine said...

This is so awesome! Really getting them out there :D
By the way, LOVE all Chams you have! Still can't forgive myself for missing the A5 rasp when they were still available in US.

Rori said...

WOW O.O This is a level of expert Filofax use that I can only aspire to...Well done!!

LJ said...

Wow - such a fabulous use of the filos :o) Fab pics too - thanks :o)

Alondra Karwoski said...

That's awesome. I never knew it was actually possible to use so many binders in one day. Glad this works for you :)

Unknown said...

Wow! You are a MASTER Filofax user, Judith!


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