Friday, 18 May 2012

Filofax Blog of the Week: Filomaniac

It's time again for my 'Blog of the Week' feature. Each week, I'm looking at a different Filofax blog in the words of the owner. Some you may know already, whilst others may be new to you.  

This week, Iris talks about Filomaniac.

When did you start your blog?

In March 2010, together with Julia, whom I had "met" on Twitter. (She lost interest some months later.)

What were your reasons for starting it?

There was no German blog for Filofax lovers.

Which post has enjoyed the most pageviews?

This one,  a guest article by Steve Morton (surprise, surprise) about creating templates.

Which post is the one you’re most proud of?

None in particular. I'm proud to say that after two years, my blog is still going strong and I have "met" lots of interesting people who share my passion for Filofax.

What has surprised you since you started blogging?

How many people in Germany still use (and love) their Filofax.

In one sentence, how would you describe your blog to a Filofax user who hadn’t seen it?

It's a German blog about all things Filofax.

Finally, what one piece of advice would you offer to other Filofax bloggers, based on your own experience?

Read/respond to comments so people know that you care. Try to interact with your readers by asking them about their experience/opinion or by posting polls. Include some pics to make your posts more interesting.

My thanks to Iris for participating.

If you own a Filofax blog and would like it to be featured in this series, please complete the questionnaire.


LJ said...

I love reading these posts :o)

Steve Morton said...

Made me chuckle to see my guest post is so popular!

It's the same on Philofaxy with my Filofax Templates post from a couple of years ago getting hundreds of visits a week!



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