Wednesday, 4 January 2012

2012 page-per-day for Filofax Personal

When I posted yesterday with a page-per-day diary layout for A5 and A4 users, Amanda left a comment asking if this layout could be made available for Personal Filofax users. Well, with one or two compromises, yes, it can.

This is set up to print straight onto blank Filofax Personal paper, double-sided, and the gutter is set to accommodate the ring holes.

As usual, there is a PDF file for the whole year, and for tinkerers the Word source file and Excel data source are available.


Amanda Fleet said...

You are a STAR!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ray Blake said...

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Love this!!!

Anonymous said...

oh gosh this is brilliant. just made myself some 2013 pages (and learned that mail merge can actually be useful!!) thanks!

Andrew Scott said...


I'm tryig to download the source files for this insert and have come up against a download problem with Box. I've signed up with the service, but can't seem to get the file to download. Can you help please?

Thanks for all the effort you put into these amazing inserts.


Ray Blake said...

@Unknown - try again now.

Gee said...

How about including a template on the Task List with Completed, Forwarded, Deleted, Delegated, In Process a bit like the one in a Franklin planner. I always found this useful.


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