Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Handy Task Tabs for your A5 Filofax

You may remember the Handy Task Tabs I made available for the Filofax in personal size and later in pocket size:

Well, I've no idea why it has taken this long, but I have now produced versions for you to use with your A5 Filofax.

Print these templates onto A4 or Letter card and cut out using the usual crop marks. Then you can punch the holes and add slits from the holes to the left edge so you can move your tab around in your Filofax without opening the rings.

Download the Word template now: A4 version or Letter version

If you want your 'today' ruler to work harder, this could be just the thing.

1 comment:

pattygardner.com said...

Franklin Covey sells something like that but I hate the paper it's printed on. It's not pleasant to write on. I'll have to try yours.


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