Sunday, 16 June 2013

Free Don't Forget pages - now in A5 size

I recently offered a Don't Forget page for Personal and Pocket sizes. Not wanting A5 users to be deprived, here is a version in that size:

Click to enlarge

If your tasks are longer than just one line and you're tired of trying to squeeze them onto the standard To Do sheets, you can download and print the insert. You can choose either the editable Word file or the PDF file. Choose the Word file if you want to adapt the layout to your own requirements.

Each version is set up as an A4 document. To use them as A5 inserts, print the document in booklet mode on A4 paper, then use a guillotine to divide each sheet into two and punch the required holes, which the templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate. Or, if you have A5 paper, then either the printer or the PC will scale it to size for you.

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