Sunday, 20 January 2013

Journalling School now available for the Kindle

I am delighted to announce that Journalling School: A Short Course in Personal Journalling is now available as a Kindle book.

To view it in the Kindle Store, click on the book image below.

 For 82p (or your local currency equivalent) you can carry the whole series around with you.


Joseph David Quinton said...

Thanks, Ray! Just downloaded my copy for $1.29.

Ray Blake said...

Thank you. I notice that a few copies have been sold in the UK, a few more in the US. It's really hard not to keep checking the sales figures on Amazon every five minutes!

Bummble said...


I've been reading through your blog - I really appreciate all the TN stuff you've made!

Is there any other way of purchasing this ebook?
I do have an e-reader, but since it's not a Kindle I'm not sure the Kindle format would work on it.
But, more importantly; Amazon don't take Paypal, and I do not own a credit card anymore.
I'm very curious about the book though, would love to read it!

Ray Blake said...
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Ray Blake said...

Yes. Go here and you can download it in PDF and make a PayPal donation if you like.

Bummble said...

Hi Ray,

Thank you so much!
Downloaded the book, and made a donation (slightly more than the Kindle price, to hopefully absorb the Paypal fee).

Looks like the perfect thing this slightly dreary Sunday. :-)


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