Saturday, 19 April 2014

Free Bullet Journal insert for your Midori Traveler's Notebook

The Bullet Journal system seems to be becoming popular in planning circles. First described by Ryder Carroll at, it constitutes an effective system for organising the notes you make in your daily notebook.

Today I am offering for free download a Midori Traveler's Notebook insert designed to make it easy to use Bullet Journalling.

The opening page lets you note the date range of the book, allowing for easy archiving when it's finished. Turning over, you'll find the book index.

The index is a crucial part of the system, as Bullet Journal users will know. It lets you organise your special pages - those that don't relate simply to the current day.

Then come 52 pages of the Bullet Journal daily template I've designed.

Although there's no rule that says you have to, Bullet Journallers tend to use a grid to lay out their notes. I've included a standard 5mm grid background with a system of date signifiers at the page edges. You can use a pen or a highlighter to quickly identify the date for each page, as shown below.

If you'd rather not use the signifiers, they're fairly unobtrusive and won't get in your way. The pages are numbered, of course, to make it easy to use the index.

Finally, the the very back of the insert, I've added a key to the Bullet Journal systems and structures:

You can download this insert here.

What you'll download is a PDF file. This is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions or these ones.

And if you'd like to roll your sleeves up and play with the source Word file, here it is.

UPDATE: North American users should lobby their authorities to join the rest of the world adopt the international standard for paper sizing. In the meantime, they can download their own version formatted for Letter paper: PDF version or Word version. Since landscape Letter paper is taller than the required 210mm, a little extra trimming will be required.


Lareina said...

Thank you so much! This is awesome of you to create and share these with us! I found your videos on youtube and have followed you now and am going to check out your books! Thanks again!

Mary said...

Thank you very much! I am a new follower on YT.

xy said...

Thank you so much! really appreciated the effort that you created and care to share it with others! Thanks you!

Sarah said...

American here--so glad you make the sizes for us! I have tried getting non-US paper sizes here and it is way too expensive!

Tilly said...

Thank you very much for all of your work!
I just read your book on journaling and thought I give it a try.
However, I cannot access the (single file) links other than as a preview or html download (ipad user).
I do not have this problem when your link goes to a folder of files, only single files (pdf, word, no difference).
Any suggestions as to how to download the pdf would be very much appreciated.

Ray Blake said...

@Tilly, no idea what's happening. Give me a list and I'll email them to you if you like.


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