Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Daily Log Book in Field Notes size for free download

The Field Notes size notebook is portable and convenient and it's easy to carry 2 or 3 together, either in a cover or loose. The format is awkward for diaries, though, because a booklet that will cover the whole year is too thick. My week on two pages layout needs two booklets to cover the year.

I had shied away from making a week per page Field Notes size layout, because the space for each day would be too small to serve as a functional appointments diary. But I was thinking about this the wrong way entirely. As soon as I had created the layout - pictured below - I realised how I would use it.

Rather than a full appointments diary, this is a log book. There's plenty of space in each day to track information as your progress towards a goal or monitor some variable metric or other - say, weight, step count, run distance and time, cycling or whatever. Or you could make a tally mark whenever you do a particular thing to reinforce a habit - each time you give someone a compliment, for instance, or each time you decide not to make an impulse purchase.

I'm carrying mine to track my running and cycling next year. You can download and print your own Daily Log Book for 2016.

    Download A4 version

    Download Letter version

You can get more guidance on booklet making in this video. Remember that for this size you are cutting to 90mm wide rather than 110mm and you are cutting top and bottom to leave a booklet 140mm tall:

Maybe you prefer not to print your own. For a limited time I will print and bind a book for you at a cost of £5, including postage to anywhere in the world. It will have a printed card cover that looks like this:

If you want to take advantage of this offer, email me and we can make arrangements.

Friday, 18 December 2015

My end of year music party

Something different today. Music has always been a constant passion for me. For no better reason than it's the end of the year, I'm sharing some of my current favourite music. I hope you'll find something you like.

OK. Let's start with a couple of US bands. First, MoeTar. This is a breathtaking song (try to sing along and you'll see what I mean). As well as the vocal, the musicianship is superb and the song nicely describes the modern approach to popular commercial music.

The second of the two is District 97, whose new album is on repeat on my PC most days. Over the course of three studio albums they've developed an ever more sophisticated musical range without ever diluting their rock instincts.

Next, something very, very English: a cover version of one of Pink Floyd's most revered epic works, Echoes, by Crippled Black Phoenix, featuring archive clips of Pink Floyd members talking in the studio. I can't quite explain how happy this makes me.

And while on the subject of Pink Floyd, they released an album this year which was - well - underwhelming. Dave Kerzner, on the other hand, released an album which was pure Pink Floyd in spirit. See if you can detect the influence here.

OK, enough prog for now. I'm a big fan of the Earls of Mars and their new EP contains this little gem.

Like Earls of Mars, A Formal Horse are from England's South coast, released an EP this year and are very exciting indeed.

Staying in England, I have no idea at all why Sweet Billy Pilgrim are not absolutely massive. Their new album is a masterpiece. As evidence I offer this.

For my birthday, my wife bought me two CDs. The first was the new album by Nordic Giants.

And the second CD was by Hasse Froberg & Musical Companion, full of inventive and diverse musicanship and catchy as anything.

We've strayed back to prog, I know, but that's where I spend my time. Prog legend Steve Hackett had a new album out this year, including this cracking song with a truly dreadful video. I apologise in advance, but it's a great song.

Back to the US and Izz released the third of a trilogy of albums which opened with this belter.

I can't put it off any longer. This year's Steven Wilson moment is upon us. Just when you think the man can't possibly produce anything better, along comes something like this to scale new heights. If you click on no other video today, please go with this one. Watch, listen, possibly cry. I did. More than once.

I'm going to end with another Steven Wilson moment, but it's a little different. Gavin Harrison drummed in Steven Wilson's former band, Porcupine Tree, and released an album this year of Porcupine Tree cover versions - jazz band arrangements, in fact. This is my favourite one.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

New Giramondo sizes from Gillio

Last year, Gillio released the Giramondo notebook cover. I reviewed it here. I was impressed. Today, Gillio are releasing three new sizes to fill out the range.

In the picture above, the regular Girmondo (now called the 'Large') is second from the left. That's a similar size to the full size Midori, holding standard 210mm x 100mm booklets.

To its right, meet the two new smaller Giramondos. The Small (S) takes Field Notes and similarly-sized booklets, while the Extra Small (XS) holds passport-sized booklets.

The biggest cover in the shot is the Extra Large (XL). This is designed to hold a Moleskine Large Cahier booklet, which measures 210mm x 130mm. 

All three new covers feature the same luxury leather and  internal detailing:

Extra Small, internal view

Small, internal view

Extra Large, internal view
Prices for the new sizes are as follows:  

   XS = €130 (ex VAT = 107.44)
   S = €155 (ex VAT = 128.10)
   XL = €195 (ex VAT = 161.16)

Gillio have given me three new covers - one in each of the new sizes - which I will be giving away shortly. Look out for a post in the coming days to see how you can win one of these beauties.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Print your own free 2016 diary or calendar

You might be thinking about getting properly organised for next year. A key to this is having a good diary or calendar in which you can plan and track your activities and commitments.

You can spend a lot of money, or you can print your own at home for free. I have a range of different layouts that you can download from this site and print on the paper of your choice. I have sets in most popular organiser sizes and styles. If you already own a Filofax, Traveller's Notebook or similar system, you can incorporate my layouts in your existing system straight away. Of you can build a system around your new diary pages.

To see what's available, follow the links at the top of the page to 'Free diary pages' and 'Midori TN inserts'.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Midori Purist diary layout - download the source files

When I released 2016 sets for the new Purist layout for the Traveller's Notebook I promised to  make the source files available. These will allow you to tinker with the layout and make changes.

By downloading the source files, you get to make a diary for any period you like, including academic years, odd months, extended holidays and other trips. You can also change the fonts, the colours and any other aspect of the layout just for one week's spread and then through the magic of mail merge have these changes carry through to as many weeks as you like.

I'll show some basic instructions for getting the mail merge done, but if you have some basic Word and Excel skills you should be fine. You can always go to the web to find many detailed tutorials on mail merge for your specific versions if you need more help, and on the Free Diary Pages link at the top of this blog you'll find some YouTube tutorials.

Here are the steps you need to take.

  1. Download the source Word file and the source Excel file. You need them both. Save them somewhere accessible.
  2. Open the Excel file. Change the very first date in column A and watch as all the other details change automatically.
  3. If you want a shorter period, delete the lower rows. If you want a longer period, stretch the data range (Google for tutorials if you need to.)
  4. Save the Excel file.
  5. Open the Word file. You will probably be prompted to link to the data source. Navigate to the Excel file and select it. If you get a dialog asking which sheet to link to select Sheet1. If you're not prompted, start the Mail Merge helper in Word.
  6. From the Mailing ribbon or toolbar, find and select the command to start the mail merge. You need to choose the option to merge to a new document.
  7. When the new document has been created. save but don't close it. 
  8. Perform a find an replace in the new document (CTRL + H in Windows). In the Find field, type ^b, leave the replace filed blank and then replace all.
  9. Insert a blank page at the very start of the file. Starting with a blank page will mean that as you flip through the finished booklet you will see a week per full spread. You can decorate this blank page if you like.
  10. Save the file again.
  11. Print the file in booklet mode. If you don't know how to do that, read the detailed instructions in my post on the subject.
My ability to provide detailed support on this is very limited, so by all means have a go, but beyond these notes and the collective resources of the web you're on your own.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

New Midori insert - Purist weekly diary - full size

This new weekly layout is based on one that I made a while ago in Field Notes Size.

I've called this the 'Purist' layout because it is all about the days. At the top of each spread there is week and day numbering and each day of the week is given equal space. This is for people who think that a diary is a diary and should not need to accommodate notes, actions nor anything else.

You can download and print it for free. Links to the prepared half year sets for 2016 are below.

    2016 H1 A4 version                         2016 H1 Letter version

    2016 H2 A4 version                         2016 H2 Letter version

What you'll download is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

I will make source files available shortly so you can roll up your sleeves.

Monday, 26 October 2015

New A4 Filofax layout - minimalist vertical weekly

Steve and I often get requests from readers of Philofaxy and My Life All In One Place. This was one that Steve put together.

Here it is:

The week is laid out left to right, with vertical divisions for morning, afternoon and evening but otherwise in free format.

You can download a 2016 set as either a Word file or a PDF file. They are created as A4 documents. To use them as A5 inserts, print the document in booklet mode on A4 paper, then use a guillotine to divide each sheet into two and punch the required holes, which the templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate. Or, if you have A5 paper, then either the printer or the PC will scale it to size for you.

Of course, you can print these on any paper you like; coloured, patterned and fountain pen-friendly are all options, as is plain white A4 printer paper.

If you want to tinker, you can download the Word base file and the Excel data file (you will need both files.) As long as you have some basic Word and Excel skills, you should be able to give this a go. You'll need to be able to set up a basic mail merge file link, and there are plenty of web tutorials that show you the way - including some available on this site via the Free Diary Pages link at the top of every page.

Depending on what version of Word you're using, Word may put section breaks between every record, which will throw out the mirrored gutter formatting in the layout. If it does, the solution is quite simple; do a find and replace on section breaks (^b) to remove them all. You'll also need to add a single page break to the front of the merged document so that each 2-page spread has gutters in the middle for the holes.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

A more flexible Midori Traveler's Notebook weekly insert

I get lots of requests to make an insert that combines a weekly diary and a page per week of notes space. Today's new layout is just that, but I think I've introduced some options to the layout that people will like.

I have two versions of the inner pages. You can choose between the 'righty' and the 'lefty':

Although anyone can use either, I suspect that the 'righty' will work better for the right-handed writer and the 'lefty' for the left-hander. That is because diary entries tend to be short - a word or a phrase, say, whereas notes tend to require longer writing sessions, so the note section is on the relevant preferred facing page.

On the notes page, I've added action checkboxes on each line. Because these are unobtrusive, you can use the page either for tasks that you check off or just for general notes, ignoring the boxes. Or you can divide the page as you see fit and do both.

So, as I say, I think this will prove a flexible insert. You can download and print it for free. Links to the various versions are below.

 Lefty A4 PDF file
 Lefty Letter PDF file

 Righty A4 PDF file
 Righty Letter PDF file

What you'll download is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

Friday, 9 October 2015

The Daily Dashboard Large Cahier Midori insert - free files for 2016

I recently introduced this format in Large Cahier size.

The booklet begins with a full-month view:

This is followed by a two page spread for each day.

I have now produced files to see you through 2016.

You can choose the A4 paper versions or the Letter paper versions.

  Jan 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Feb 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Mar 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Apr 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  May 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Jun 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Jul 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Aug 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Sep 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Oct 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Nov 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Dec 2016:  A4 version   Letter version

What you'll download is a PDF file. This is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter as appropriate, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size. This video shows how.

Remember to cut at 130mm (13cm) wide rather than 110mm (11cm) wide as you would for a regular Midori insert.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Daily Dashboard in Moleskine Large Cahier size for free.

Remember the Daily Dashboard? Well, following a request it is now available in Large Cahier size.

The booklet begins with a full-month view:

This is followed by a two page spread for each day.

I'm making available for free download PDF sets in this layout for 2015 for both A4 and Letter paper users. Each file contains an insert for a full month. Here are the files:

What you'll download is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

Remember to cut at 130mm (13cm) wide rather than 110mm (11cm) wide as you would for a regular Midori insert.

I'll work on a set of files for 2016 soon.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Free photographic Jan-Dec dividers for 2016 for Personal and A5 Filofax

I've updated my Filofax photographic calendar dividers for 2016 and they are free to download, print and use.

These are available in Personal Filofax size as well as A5 Filofax. For the A5 version, you can download a version set up for A4 or Letter paper printing.

Download your chosen version (they are all Word files) and simply print onto card, cut out and punch holes as required.

1. Personal size

Jan - Feb dividers
Mar - Apr dividers
May - Jun dividers
Jul - Aug dividers
Sep - Oct dividers
Nov - Dec dividers

2. A5 size

Sunday, 9 August 2015

The Daily Diary Midori insert - free files for 2016

Here are your 2016 versions of the full size Daily Journal insert. Each booklet covers two months so you will need six to cover the whole of 2016.

So here are the files.

You can choose the A4 paper versions or the Letter paper versions.

  Jan-Feb 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Mar-Apr 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  May-Jun 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Jul-Aug 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Sep-Oct 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Nov-Dec 2016:  A4 version   Letter version

What you'll download is a PDF file. This is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter as appropriate, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size. This video shows how.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

New weekly vertical combo undated Midori insert

This one was a request from my friend, Rhomany, See wanted an undated vertical weekly layout to double as a diary and a bullet journal.

Here is the look we settled on:

You can download this booklet for free and print it at home. Choose either the  A4 PDF version or the Letter PDF version. What you'll download is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

And if you want to roll up your sleeves and adapt the layout for yourself, you'll want to download this MS Publisher file.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The Daily Dashboard Midori insert - free files for 2016

Those of you getting ahead of the game might appreciate these 2016 versions of the full size Daily Dashboard insert. Each booklet covers a month, containing a month on two pages overview followed by a two-page spread for each day of the month.

So here are the files.

You can choose the A4 paper versions or the Letter paper versions.

  Jan 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Feb 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Mar 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Apr 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  May 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Jun 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Jul 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Aug 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Sep 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Oct 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Nov 2016:  A4 version   Letter version
  Dec 2016:  A4 version   Letter version

What you'll download is a PDF file. This is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter as appropriate, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size. This video shows how.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Guest interview

My 'experienced user' interview is published over at Philofaxy today, in which I share my thoughts on using a planner over the long term.

Any thoughts or comments would be welcome, either here or at Philofaxy. 

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Free 2016 planner inserts for the Traveler's Notebook - Field Notes size

I recently posted 2016 versions of my popular weekly planner layout for the full size Traveler's Notebook and for the Moleskine Large Cahier size. Today, I'm adding the Field Notes versions.

Each booklet covers half a year, so for the full year, you'll need both the H1 and H2 files.

The files are ready to print. Simply download and print on regular printer paper, double-sided with the duplex set to flip on the short edge (if you get this setting wrong, half your pages will be upside down, so practice with just a few pages first.) It you have single-side printing only, print the odd pages first, then refeed the printed pages upside down and print the even pages on the back (again, practice on a few sheets first to make sure you get this right for your printer.)

You can download the A4 version if your country has sensible paper sizes or the Letter version if it doesn't. Using either version, making the booklet will require you to cut down the printed booklet in height as well as width.

Here are the files:

  2016 A4 version: H1  H2     

  2016 Letter version: H1  H2

You can get more guidance on booklet making in this video. Remember that for this size you are cutting to 90mm wide rather than 110mm and you are cutting top and bottom to leave a booklet 140mm tall:

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Free Traveler's Notebook diary inserts in the new Personal size

I recently unveiled my new Personal size traveler's notebook that I bought from Jennifer Harvey.

I promised then to make available free content in this size. Today I am providing a week on two pages diary.

The Personal size page measures 171mm x 95mm. It is based on the standard size Filofax page. 

The diary layout is based on my full size weekly insert. Here is how it looks in this size:

As well as space for each day there are current and following month calendars an checkboxes to track tasks.

I'm making available for free download PDF sets in this layout for  the rest of 2015 and 2016 for both A4 and Letter paper users. Each file contains an insert for half of the year. Here are the files:

What you'll download is a file that is ready to print straight away, without any need to use booklet format on your printer. Just print this straight to A4 or Letter paper, with duplex set to flip on the short edge (I'd recommend you print just one or two pages first to make sure your printer deals with this correctly and make adjustments as necessary.)

Once you've printed out the pages, you can bind them into a booklet and cut to size using these instructions:

Remember to cut at 95mm (9.5cm) wide rather than 110mm (11cm) wide as you would for a regular Midori insert. You'll also have to trim at the top and bottom as well.

If there is demand, I'll also make source files available so you can make booklets to cover any period you like and change the fonts and other aspects of the design.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Free 2016 planner inserts for the Traveler's Notebook - Large Moleskine Cahier size

I recently posted 2016 versions of my popular weekly planner layout for the full size Traveler's Notebook. Today, I'm supplementing these with the Large Moleskine Cahier versions.

Each booklet covers half a year, so for the full year, you'll need both the H1 and H2 files.

The files are ready to print. Simply download and print on regular printer paper, double-sided with the duplex set to flip on the short edge (if you get this setting wrong, half your pages will be upside down, so practice with just a few pages first.) It you have single-side printing only, print the odd pages first, then refeed the printed pages upside down and print the even pages on the back (again, practice on a few sheets first to make sure you get this right for your printer.)

You can download the A4 version if your country has sensible paper sizes or the Letter version if it doesn't. If using the Letter version, making the booklet will require you to cut down the printed booklet in height as well as width, but the A4 version will require only the width to be trimmed.

Here are the files:

  2016 A4 version: H1  H2     

  2016 Letter version: H1  H2

You can get more guidance on booklet making in this video. Remember that for this size you are cutting to 130mm wide rather than 110mm:

Friday, 19 June 2015

Free 2016 planner inserts for the Midori Traveler's Notebook - Monthly full size

Today it's the turn of the monthly layout:

The files are ready to print and cover two years - 2016 and 2017. Simply download and print on regular printer paper, double-sided with the duplex set to flip on the short edge (if you get this setting wrong, half your pages will be upside down, so practice with just a few pages first.) It you have single-side printing only, print the odd pages first, then refeed the printed pages upside down and print the even pages on the back (again, practice on a few sheets first to make sure you get this right for your printer.)

You can download the A4 version if your country has sensible paper sizes or the Letter version if you are in North America. If using the Letter version, making the booklet will require you to cut down the printed booklet in height as well as width, but the A4 version will require only the width to be trimmed.

Here are the files:

  Monthly 2016-17 A4 version

  Monthly 2016-17 Letter version

You can get more guidance on booklet making in this video:

Friday, 12 June 2015

Free 2016 planner inserts for the Midori Traveler's Notebook - Weekly full size

2016 approaches, so I've produced 2016 versions of my popular weekly planner with tasks layout:

Pictured above is the red text version, but if you prefer you can choose blue, orange, green or purple instead. Each booklet covers half a year, so for the full year, you'll need both the H1 and H2 files.

The files are ready to print. Simply download and print on regular printer paper, double-sided with the duplex set to flip on the short edge (if you get this setting wrong, half your pages will be upside down, so practice with just a few pages first.) It you have single-side printing only, print the odd pages first, then refeed the printed pages upside down and print the even pages on the back (again, practice on a few sheets first to make sure you get this right for your printer.)

You can download the A4 version if your country has sensible paper sizes or the Letter version if it doesn't. If using the Letter version, making the booklet will require you to cut down the printed booklet in height as well as width, but the A4 version will require only the width to be trimmed.

Here are the files:

  Red 2016 A4: H1  H2        Red 2016 Letter: H1  H2
  Blue 2016 A4: H1  H2        Blue 2016 Letter: H1  H2
  Orange 2016 A4: H1  H2        Orange 2016 Letter: H1  H2
  Green 2016 A4: H1  H2        Green 2016 Letter: H1  H2
  Purple 2016 A4: H1  H2        Purple 2016 Letter: H1  H2

You can get more guidance on booklet making in this video:

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Free lined notebook template for the Personal size Traveller's Notebook

I recently posted about the new personal size that some people are now making and promised at that time to make some inserts available for it.

Here is the first one, a simple lined notebook. This is available in Word and PDF formats for both A4 and Letter size paper.

Download the version of your choice and print double-sided with your printer set to flip on the short edge. Then fold, bind and cut your notebook. You'll need to cut the finished booklet narrower and shorter both at the top and the bottom.

Here are the files:

    Word A4 version    PDF A4 version

    Word Letter version    PDF Letter version

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

The new personal size traveller's notebook cover

I have seen a few references to 'personal size' traveller's notebook covers. Like the Field Notes size, this isn't a size offered by Midori, but nor is it the size of a standalone notebook. Rather, it is based on the Filofax Personal page size of 171mm x 95mm. You can see how this compares with other sizes here:

It is smaller than a regular Midori, bigger than a passport or Field Notes size. This is a size that is going to suit many people.

I don't know who originated the personal size notebook cover but the first seller I saw offering them was Jennifer Harvey, in her ChciSparrow web store, which is where I bought mine. I chose the colour called "Maple Sugar" and for personal size the cost was $94.50.

And here it is:

 Here is the inside view:

The cover is beautiful. Jennifer has created a stunning product here, which I'm sure will outlive me. And as I put it to use and it acquires some personality it will get better and better,

I made a few inserts for it, starting with a lined notebook:

I spent a while tinkering with my weekly diary layout and wrestling it into this size and format:

Then I thought it would be fun to carry a kraft paper insert too:

Here they all are together, including one of Marianne's 6 pocket folders I made:

I will be making inserts available in the coming days, which will as usual be free to download, print and use.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Download free 2016 diaries for your Pocket Filofax

2016 is on the way. If you're looking for diary pages for next year for the Filofax Pocket format, you might want to look at these layouts, which are free to download and print yourself at home.

Although you'll still find the source files on this site to produce your own diary sets for any year (or any shorter period) people seem to like the convenience of downloading full year sets. Here are Pocket sized sets for 2016. I've already posted A4 and A5 sets and Personal sets.

Day per page

Day per page minimalist:   Word file   PDF file

Day on two pages

Original day on two pages:   Word file   PDF file

Two days per page

Two days per page (unruled):   Word file   PDF file
Two days per page (ruled):   Word file   PDF file

Week on two pages

Week on two pages enhanced TM layout:   Word file   PDF file
Week on two pages CC-inspired layout:   Word file   PDF file

Month per page

Original month per page:  Word file   PDF file

Month on two pages

Original month on two pages:   Word file   PDF file

Each file is set up as an A4 document. Print this double-sided. If you have a duplex printer, set it to flip on the short edge. If you don't then you'll have to print odd-numbered pages and then refeed to print the even-numbered pages on the reverse. You might have to experiment to find out how to refeed the paper.

On one side of each sheet you'll find crop marks. Use a craft knife and a steel ruler to release the Pocket pages and punch them. The templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate the holes.

If using the PDF be sure to set it to print at full size as explained here.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Download free 2016 diaries for your Filofax Personal

2016 is coming. It will soon be time to set up your new diary pages. If that happens to be in Filofax Personal format, you might want to look at these layouts, which are free to download and print yourself at home.

Although you'll still find the source files on this site to produce your own diary sets for any year (or any shorter period) people seem to like the convenience of downloading full year sets. Here are Personal sized sets for 2016. I've already posted A4 and A5 sets and Pocket sets will follow.

Printing on A4 or Letter paper

Day per page

Original day per page:   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)
Day per page minimalist:   Word file   PDF file      (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)

Day on two pages

Original day on two pages:   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)

Two days per page

Two days per page (ruled):   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)
Two days per page (unruled):   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)

Week per page

Original week per page:   Word file   PDF file

Week on two pages

Week on two pages enhanced TM layout:   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)
Week on two pages CC-inspired layout:   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)
Week on two pages vertical layout:   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)
Week on two pages landscape layout:   Word file   PDF file     (Letter versions:    Word file    PDF file)

Month per page

Original month per page:  Word file   PDF file 

Month on two pages

Original month on two pages:   Word file   PDF file   

Year planner

Fold out (Z fold) year planner:   Word file   PDF file   

Each file is set up as an A4 document. Print this double-sided. If you have a duplex printer, set it to flip on the short edge. If you don't then you'll have to print odd-numbered pages and then refeed to print the even-numbered pages on the reverse. You might have to experiment to find out how to refeed the paper.

On one side of each sheet you'll find crop marks. Use a craft knife and a steel ruler to release the Personal pages and punch them. The templates are set up with mirrored gutters to accommodate the holes.

If using the PDF be sure to set it to print at full size as explained here.

Printing on Filofax Personal blank paper

If you have a printer that can print directly onto blank Filofax paper, you might prefer to download from the following selection. These are set up to print two-sided and you're likely to have to print even pages first, then restack in the printer tray to print the even pages.

Original day per page:   Word file   PDF file
Original week per page:   Word file   PDF file
Week on two pages CC layout:   Word file   PDF file
Week on two pages vertical layout:   Word file   PDF file
Original month per page:  Word file   PDF file
Month per page with notes:  Word file   PDF file
Original month on two pages:   Word file   PDF file
Month on two pages with notes:   Word file   PDF file


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