All the full size weeklies and dailies are done now, including the Spanish set, so attention turns to the monthly and yearly layouts.
As usual, they are all free for personal use. Just download and print at home.Note that I've lazily reused some of the 2023 and older pictures from last year, but I promise that what you download from the links will be the actual 2024 versions.
1. Monthly - month on two pages
Nice and simple, this layout gives you a two pages for each month. A booklet includes two years.
2024-25 A4 version
2024-25 A4 version
2024-25 Letter version
Printing instructions
You can print on to plain A4 paper in most of the world, or, if you’re in a country saddled with Letter paper, you can download a special version of your own. Either way, print at 100% – no scaling – duplexing by flipping the paper on the short edge. Then follow the instructions in the video below to bind your pages into a booklet. If you’re using Letter paper you’ll have to trim at the top and bottom to end up with a booklet that’s 210mm tall (Google will tell you whatever that is in inches, I’m sure.)
2. Yearly calendar
Next time we'll move on to other sizes.
Thanks you so much for making these free inserts. I love the 2 year monthly TN diary and have been using it for a few years now.