
Sunday, 29 April 2012

Filofax Turbo Tasks - now for the Personal size

My A5 Turbo Tasks page has proved very popular and I wanted to produce a version for the Filofax Personal size. I found that because of the page width I could only produce it in landscape format:

All the same features are included.

  • A priority column on the left. Assign 1s, 2s, 3s or As, Bs, Cs or your own system
  • Start and finish date columns to the right. Having a start date allows you to log tasks you can’t yet tackle; the finish date lets you show hard deadlines.
  • A check box. You know what to do with this.
Note faint line inset from the left of the task field. You can use this if you want to introduce a sort of hierarchy into your task list. You can see in the picture above how I've used this in breaking down the party task:

If your task is standalone or top-level just write over the faint line. If you are entering a subsidiary task, use it as your left-edge.

It is a double-sided Personal page. As usual, you can download an editable Word file or a PDF version. Print onto A4, double-sided along the short edge. Use a craft knife to cut the sheets out using a steel ruler, using the crop marks to guide you. If you need detailed instructions, they're here. Then punch holes and file in your Personal-size Filofax.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Our range of free 2013 Filofax diaries to download and use

Steve and I have had our gang of little people diary makers busy in the office these last few weeks assembling the full set of 2013 inserts for your pleasure. (Actually, Steve has done most of the work on getting these 2013 ready, so my thanks to him.)

In this post we will list all of the formats available. Please refer back to the original articles for the details on each format and also to the source files if you fancy coming up with a format of your own, or just a variation on one we already have done. Anything is possible!

We will not be laying off the little people just yet.... they will have a rest during the summer and we will put them back to work again in the New Year to get them to produce the 2014 inserts... if there is the demand of course... we have no idea how many of you are using them.

Anyway if you have any suggestions for improvements or comments about how you are using these inserts we would love to hear from you and we will pass on the comments to the little people.

A4/A5 Format inserts for 2013
Personal on Personal Paper
Personal on A4 Paper
Pocket on A4 Paper

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Another option for your Filofax Post-It index tabs

A few months ago, I posted on a DIY project to make a sticky tab holder for a credit card pocket. I discovered this week a great alternative that works in the same way but requires no DIY at all. It’s made by Office Depot and comes in a pack looking like this:

What you can’t tell from the outside is that these are attached to a folded piece of plastic:

Front view
Side view

Well, obviously, that’s just begging to be popped into a credit card slot:

The downside? Well, unlike the Filofax and Tesco versions, these index tabs don’t take to being written on very well.

Boo! Still, there’s nothing keeping you from sticking your own index tab pads on the Office World holder, is there?

Friday, 13 April 2012

Filofax time and activity tracker - now in A5

Recently I released a time and activity tracker for the Filofax Personal. For A5 users, there is a choice of two versions.

First comes the portrait version.

Click to enlarge

A usual, the sheet is available as an editable Word file and as a PDFfile. Either way, it is set up as an A4 document for you to print in booklet mode and then cut in half. Mirrored gutters allow space for the holes to be punched.

But when I printed and started using this, I found that I missed the landscape layout of the original. So I made this version:

Click to enlarge
Again, you can download this as an editable Word file and as a PDF file and print as before.

I've been using these to try to rebalance the time I spend, especially at home. My busiest line on any given day seems to be 'Web browsing', which I'm trying to reduce by one 'blob' a day each week.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Filofax A5 lined paper - a better and cheaper alternative

If you do any amount of writing in your Filofax (and the A5 size is just the right size to do a lot of writing) you'll be shocked by the cost of plain and lined refills. I'm not the first person to suggest this, but it really pays to make your own.

I dug around in the stationery cupboard and found one of these:

This paper is very cheap, but of surprisingly good quality. It's particularly good for fountain pens. If you can't find one of these, look for a pad or wire-bound book that is A5 and has perforated sheets. These ones come away very cleanly:

Be sure to check that the paper is A5-sized AFTER you remove it from the pad. Otherwise, you'll end up with paper that's slightly narrower or shorter than A5. This one is perfect and after punching fits straight into the A5 Filofax:

This is a great way to have paper significantly better than the Filofax packs at a fraction of the price. Buy several pads if you see them on sale.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Sudoku page for the A5 Filofax

Last week I released a free Sudoku page for the Filofax Personal. For A5 users, here is your version.

Click to enlarge

A usual, the sheet is available as an editable Word file and as a PDFfile. Either way, it is set up as an A4 document for you to print in booklet mode and then cut in half. Mirrored gutters allow space for the holes to be punched.